Check out this video for a glimpse of the smog problem that plagues Shanghai. This problem unfortunately is all over China and many say it’s getting worse. This posts describes how the problem may get much worse as China plans to build even more coal-fired power plants.
Here’s an interesting article that explains how there’s much more to Macau than just huge casinos.
It sounds great. ‘V for Vendetta’ airs in China If you despise totalitarian government, you’re probably a fan of “V for Vendetta” if you’ve had the opportunity to see the film. If you love freedom, this film, and particularly the film above, will inspire you. It’s for that reason that the news of out China today is so shocking. Somehow, the censors allowed this film to be broadcast in China. It was already an underground favorite, but now millions in China may be suddenly questioning their own government. We can only hope. Posted in: Censorship, Culture, Domestic Politics Tags: totalitarian government, V for Vendetta, V for Vendetta in China The machinery in China established to produce gold medals in The Olympics is ruthless, and the Chinese people are grappling with the positive and negative effects of this system.
State-run newspapers have taken the opposite approach, arguing that any criticism of the state’s sports system is criticism of the state itself. In many ways this debate is a good thing for Chinese culture. It will be interesting to see how this debate evolves. Posted in: Culture Tags: China gold medals, Chinese newspapers, gold medals, Olympic Games, The Olympics, Wu Jingbiao Gambling revenues continue to grow in Macau China’s march towards a modern economy continues unabated, even with reports of a recent slowdown. While the country is still held back by the restrictive policies of the government, censorship and corruption, many changes are afoot that will transform the culture over time. |